Saturday, October 24, 2009

Spectacular failure ( success? ) at IEEEXtreme

Solved 2/12 problems in the first set successfully. Tried to solve 2 more, but not accepted. Can't take the straight concentration anymore. I'm hungry, dropping the contest. This was more appropriate for twitter, but I don't have an account. :o


  1. Any news on when will tiling be merged with trunk? also, the kwin-tiling branch seems to be broken, it won't compile here.

  2. I have written up a first code review, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Even then, the merge is unlikely to happen for atleast a few weeks more. As for the compile errors, please raise the issue on the kwin ML or mail me directly ( nsm.nikhil, gmail ) with the build errors and so on. That would help in improving it. Thanks

  3. where is the review posted? I couldn't find it on

    i will try to compile it again later today and will send you an email if i get the build errors again. thank you!

  4. keep up the good work! and maybe you should get a twitter account? :)
