Friday, August 21, 2009

Dynamic layouts are here

kwin-tiling now features dynamic layout switching per desktop. Use Meta+PgUp for Columns and Meta+PgDn for Spiral. Watch the windows change their place on the fly!

A few bugs in both the layouts are also fixed. Overall kwin-tiling is pretty stable for now, so give it a whirl and notify me of any bugs you can find.

What it still lacks is Xinerama awareness, but otherwise its virtually feature complete for the first release.

Unfortunately since college has begun I've been able to work on Kwin for only a few hours a week, so progress is a bit slow.

But the good news is that since GSoC is over, we should start seeing loads of new features being integrated into trunk/ to play around with.


  1. Oh, way cool... You make me want to run SVN again, which I shouldn't due to lack of time for handling the issues... darn you!

  2. Is this in trunk already? How do I turn it on?

  3. Its not in trunk yet. You will have to use the kwin-tiling branch.

  4. Is there any chance of having tiling with tab groups, a la ion3? (Have tab groups existed in KDE since version 1? Or was it 2?).

    Grant you, ion3 runs wonderfully with KDE, but it has pretty slow progress. As a die-hard tiling wm user, I'm really looking forward to playing with kwin-tiling.

  5. To be clear, I'm referring to the new tab groups that are another GSoC project by Jorge Mata... do both these projects work together to form an ion3ish layout?

  6. It should definitely work together. Tabbing is just a window decoration and as far as I know it doesn't modify the Client architecture in any way. Tiling does not deal with decorations in any way. That said I haven't really tried tabbing, waiting for it to be merged into trunk.

    I haven't used Ion, since when I looked at the project, their were certain issues with its relationship to the community. Most of my tiling experience is based on using awesome.

  7. Is there a video somewhere showing it in action?

  8. Is there any plans for compositing inhanced tiling IE windows that can't be resized get shrunk with compositing like in the present windows effect.

  9. @phlogiston: no, I'm not in a position to upload videos.

    @redsteakraw: For now the focus is to get basic tiling working and stable. There are other features planned down the line, including compositing support. So please stand by for them.

  10. (came back to look for a response... thanks!)

    @nikhil - The main developer does pretty much the same thing as KDE; all he releases and supports is source code. When distros were patching his releases (with some pretty substantial philosophical and functional changes that introduced some major bugs) and people were asking for support with patched features, he simply refused to support the patched version and tried to get the distros to call it something other than ion3. That spawned a surprisingly nasty "Forks have to be renamed?!? That's not Free!" backlash, whereupon he got nasty back in the vein of "I wrote it, gave it to the public, and I just want to not spend my free time supporting distro bugs. The community is a bunch of ungrateful SOBs". Which (if we're honest about it) it *can* be at times.

    Typical drama, no saints on either side. A good project with solid code got a bad reputation and a good developer got soured on the whole concept of the Free software community.

  11. If you are looking for inspiration on how to do xinerama, take a look at how the Xmonad window manager does it.. it is marvelous at exactly that, in my oppinion.

    Can't wait to have tiling support in kwin.. It just might make me switch back, as xmonad doesn't integrate that well with plasma in the default installation :-)
