unstoppable force hitting an immovable object... or something like that anyway.
startshape sunrule sun { sq { } 36* { r 10 } sq { }}rule sq { SQUARE { hue 46 saturation 250 } sq { x 1 y 1 s 0.8 brightness 0.4 }}
With my motorised product, I can program the blinds or curtains to open at a specific time in the morning. http://9wpzj0ftvf.dip.jp http://owgkzghj06.dip.jp http://xkszoyxsbc.dip.jp
With my motorised product, I can program the blinds or curtains to open at a specific time in the morning. http://9wpzj0ftvf.dip.jp http://owgkzghj06.dip.jp http://xkszoyxsbc.dip.jp